about me
Nikki Leavitt-Callander - DSRM, DSM, SMTO
Having become qualified in Swedish Massage, I became obsessed with massage and body work and how it effects the body! I then furthered my training and so I am a qualified Sport and Remedial Therapist and have also just becaome a Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) practictioner.
Registered Member of the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation.
Massage has an impressive range of health benefits and can benefit everyone. Regular massage can be a great compliment to the care you may be already receiving from your doctor, chiropractor or physiotherapist.
I believe that massage can improve one's overall health and general well-being and I am passionate about making sure that I help my clients achieve their goals, whether it be ensuring they remain injury and pain free, increasing their mobility and speeding up rehabilitation or simply reducing the amount of stress in their lives by helping them to relax.
Continuous professional development is vital to remaining a competent therapist. In order to maintain high standards of practice, I undertake mandatory continuing professional development.
I have received completion certificates for both Clinical Orthopeadic Manual Therapy (COMT) techniques for the Neck with Joe Muscolino and Integrated Manula Therapy and Orthopeadic Massage for Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain and Sciatica with James Waslaski.
I have successfully completed a course for 'Massage for People Living with Cancer' run by Gayle MacDonald (www.medicinehands.com) and in conjunction with the Iris Cancer Partnership.
I am also now a qualified Kinteic Chain Release (KCR) practictioner.